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IT Solutions and Services Overview
When you come in contact with or use any of our services, you may or may not know the basis in which a RecMan service is presented to you. We are aware that this could be confusing, and seek to give you an understanding of our organisation and the services we provide.
RecMan overview information
This is an overview of the IT solution and services we provide, and is intended to give you an understanding of the environment in which RecMan operates.
The following overview (“Overview”) will be necessary for any reader to consider, so that the main documentations of Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and the environment in general will be understandable. Other documentations and descriptions may also be easier to grasp with the knowledge of this Overview.
Who is RecMan
Recman AS (911 621 541) (“Provider”, “Recman AS”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) is a software company from Norway who develops, provides, and supports the IT solution also known as RecMan (“Solution” or “RecMan”). We have our headquarters in Oslo, Norway, a supporting office in Trondheim, Norway, and a sales office located in Stockholm, Sweden.
What is RecMan
RecMan is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in the cloud that is developed and maintained by us; mainly aimed for the recruitment and staffing in the Nordic countries, but also has a presence in other industries all over the world. It consists of a number of different functions and modules, including, but not limited to; customer relationship management (CRM); job advertisement; applicant tracking system (ATS); candidate- and project management; assignments; invoicing; and payroll; as well as other various features specially designed to support the Solution as a whole.
The goal of RecMan’s totality is to bring everything together within one simple and interconnected interface, under one single roof, and because of this, the Solution remains in a vast and complex environment.
Provider and Client relation
Where a customer of RecMan (“Client”) is using the Solution, legal contracts such as Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) and License Agreement (“Agreement”) define the relation between the two parties. The DPA focuses on the relation in terms of the Provider being a data processor (“Processor”), and the Client being a data controller (“Controller”); whereas the Agreement is focused on the relation between the Client as a customer and the Provider as an IT solutions provider.
The DPA and the Agreement specifies the ownership and responsibility of information and data stored by the Controller and processed by the Processor within RecMan, and how this is in compliance with the laws and regulations regarding GDPR and Privacy Laws. Most of the contacts are standardised, and the legal contracts will at any time be the current agreements in the relation.
In general, the DPA will describe what data is being stored and how it is processed, including, but not limited to, the Client’s sole ownership of the data; restrictions and regulations for sharing and transmitting data; confidentiality and access restrictions; and the relation’s approved sub-processors with agreed procedures of managing new ones.
The Agreement will describe the commercial elements of the Provider-Client relation, including, but not limited to, the Client and Provider rights; responsibilities and restrictions; terms and conditions regarding intellectual property; terms of service for the Solution; and license costs.
Clients using RecMan can set up their own subdomain(s), and create their own career pages with their own branding. Such career pages are applied by the Client for publishing, but not limited to, job posts; assignments; news; and documents; where individuals (“Data Subjects”) may gain access by creating a personal account with the possibility to log in. Data Subjects could be, but not limited to, candidates; applicants; employees; consultants; customers; contact persons; and work approvers. Data Subjects may from within their personal account register, store, access, and update information or data, as well as make use of features in RecMan enabled by the Client.
We do not claim ownership of any data transmitted, stored, created, or processed through any accounts or otherwise by the Client or its Data Subjects unless this is agreed upon for specific purposes. The Client represents and warrants that it has all the rights to the data necessary for the Client to use RecMan, and that the transmission, storage, or use of the data does not violate any laws or regulations.
Each Client and every career page will include unique documentation for user agreement, privacy policy, and cookie notice which will describe and reflect the Client’s own policies, terms, and conditions.
Additional features
The Client may at any time enable or disable additional pre-approved features (“Services”) in RecMan which may be accessible for the Data Subject. These Services are optional, and by enabling one or more services, the Client allows for us to process and transmit necessary data on behalf of the Client for such Services to function as intended. The Services are as of 2024-04-20 secure ways for Data Subjects to register an account, log in to the account, register hours, and import or parse files for easier registration of information. See the complete list of the Services below.
- BankID Norway
- BankID Sweden
- Jobreg
- Microsoft
- RecMan Employee app
- Textkernel
- Vipps
- Vitnemålsportalen
Access to the Solution
As a Client, one or more users will have access to the organisation’s isolated Solution through personal accounts, often referred to as a “Co-worker”. From within the Solution, depending on license type and Co-worker permissions, the user may access all features, functions, and data available to their personal account. Co-workers can access, read, write, publish, edit, and delete information in their isolated Solution.
Our Solution is cloud-based, and the users can access it at all times from any approved browser on any device or operating system, as long as there is an internet connection.
The Client will be fully responsible for the access and use of their Solution, and the Provider can not be held responsible for any misuse or unauthorised access. For more information, please see our Terms of Service.
Additional features
The Client may at any time apply, enable, or disable additional pre-approved features (“Features”) in RecMan, which may or may not be accessible for the Co-worker, and could be made available for Data Subjects or other external subjects. These Functions are optional, and by enabling one or more, the Client allows for us to process and transmit necessary data on behalf of the Client for such Features to function as intended. The Features are as of 2024-04-20, secure ways for Co-workers to log in to the account; import or parse files for easier registration of information; access to external candidate databases; create and send out forms; authentication for signing of documents; standard and customised API integrations; email and calendar integrations; cybersecurity and antivirus; and mobile applications. See the complete list of the Features below.
- Azure AD
- BankID Norway
- BankID Sweden
- Creditsafe
- GatewayAPI
- Gmail
- Google Calendar
- Google SSO
- Google Workplace
- Jobreg
- Microsoft SSO
- Office365
- RecMan API
- RecMan app
- RecMan Calendar app
- RecMan Employee app
- Textkernel
- Vipps
- Yubikey
Additional supporting services
The Client may at any time make use of the supporting services (“Supporting Services”) provided by us. These are usually used for supporting purposes, but the services are also utilised for communication with other parties than the Client, and information may be stored in logs for the sake of support and follow-up. The Supporting Services are as of 2024-04-20 ways for our organisation to provide quality services. See the complete list of Supporting Services below. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.
- GatewayAPI
- Google Analytics
- Google Workplace
- RecMan
- TeamViewer
- Zendesk
The RecMan operations
For the sake of transparency, we would also like to share some of the internal softwares and applications (“Applications”) which are utilised from within the organisation and its operations. There are internal policies and restrictions for what may or may not be used, and how to apply them with best practice. The Applications are as of 2024-04-20 secure ways of storing, sharing, and accessing data, communicating internally and externally, and tools for efficient workflows and processes. See the complete list of Applications below.
- Asana
- GatewayAPI
- Google Workplace
- RecMan
- RecMan app
- RecMan Calendar app
- RecMan Employee app
- Slack
- Telenor
- Zendesk
Additional commercial services
Even though we are mainly an IT solutions provider, our Clients may also make use of various services at our disposal (“Commercial Services”). 24/7 support is a given, and is excluded from the following Commercial Services. These are however not in the center of our service arsenal, but are present to provide the best possible customer service. The Commercial Services are as of 2024-04-20 specialised advisory, consultancy, tailored and standard training, development, customisation of integrations, and migration of data.
The RecMan Platform
RecMan is owned, developed, maintained, and supported by us, and sub-processors are contracted to run the Solution. As of 2024-04-20 our main sub-processors are Netclient Services AS and Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Changes to this overview
At our discretion, we may update this Overview to reflect changes to our services or the current practices. RecMan will take reasonable steps to let users know about changes though the Solution or on this page. Your continued use of the RecMan services after any changes to this Overview will be regarded as acceptance of the practices related to our operations and environment.
If you have any questions or wish to contact us about this Overview, please contact support@recman.no with the subject of “Overview”.